My Highest and Best isn’t just who I’m meant to be in the future. My Highest and Best is who I AM NOW.


If there is ONE MASSIVE BIG GLORIOUS EARTH-SHATTERING foundational principle that ALL of my clients really tap into. (YES. EVERY SINGLE ONE IS TAUGHT THIS!), it’s the power and potential behind MASSIVE CLARITY in IDENTIFYING who the HIGHEST AND BEST version of YOU is. 

🚫Not highest and best version of who your Mama wants you to be.

🚫Not highest and best version of who academia wants you to be.

🚫Not highest and best version of who your partner wants you to be. 

The HIGHEST and BEST version of who YOU were meant to be from the moment the UNIVERSE/GOD/MOTHER EARTH decided this world needed a YOU. 

And once you FINALLY gain clarity on this version of yourself, everything gets to flow so beautiful and naturally. From business success, to relationship growth, to financial abundance. Staying true to your most authentic and radiant self is the super turbo speed way to having it all. 🚀 

After this five-part digital workshop, the visions of greatness and passion-filled purpose that you’ll experience will be undeniable. 💁🏻‍♀️

Get ready to FINALLY learn the HOW behind gaining clarity on the Highest and Best version of you. The YOU you were meant to be from Day 1. 

Cuz lets be for real, everyone is ALWAYS talking about the best version of ourselves but no one is actually telling us HOW to identify it. 🤓


What do others have to say about the workshop?

“This workshop is a game changer. A space full of pure love and truth, it was truly magical. Since the workshop I've rewatched the recording multiple times and every time I discover and tap into an even higher space. You are magic Nat!! Thank you for sharing your truth with the world, allowing and holding space for me to tap into mine!”

Lauren C. Wellness Expert, Creative Chef, and Author

“My favorite thing was being able to feel into the energy of the workshop. I truly felt that you were radiating so many truths and it has resonated so powerfully. The impact has been momentous. It has completely kind of taken me by a whirlwind.”

Angelica B. Reiki Master and Intuitive Leader

“I absolutely loved the workshop. I learned that just because I don’t yet have what I desire to have as my highest self, it doesn’t mean I can’t act as my highest and best right now. I learned everything I’ve been through up until this point has been a gift. And we always have the option to choose again!”

Brianna S. Fitness Coach


What will I learn in the workshop?

The Highest and Best Workshop was previously a 90 minute LIVE workshop but has since been expanded into five 60+ minute teaching lessons to be completed over the course of five weeks (suggested). All teaching sessions are digitally recorded, yours forever, and can be completed at your own pace. I do recommend you complete each module and corresponding homework weekly to get the most expansive highest and best experience.

With each module, you’ll get some powerful homework to integrate into your inner world as you reinforce your Highest and Best vision and practice taking aligned action. You’ll also get weekly worksheets and supplemental meditation and audio recordings to further support your growth during and over the course of five weeks.

What can I expect every week?

WEEK 1: WHO is My Highest and Best?

Introduction to the power of energy, elevated emotions, and belief on your Highest and Best journey. 

Getting clear on WHO your Highest and Best and what it is that you create and cultivate.

HOW to gain clarity on the WHO of your H + B self, and we’ll do it specifically through musical meditation.

Homework and worksheet to accompany the H + B vision we create in week 1.

WEEK 2: My Highest and Best Shifts My Limiting Beliefs and Takes Aligned Action

Utilizing the H + B vision and making it an actionable part of your reality. 

The Easiest and Most Effortless Highest and Best Self Magical Tool. 

Utilizing other H + B tools to to take H + B actions

How to shift out of a slip up.

Shifting Limiting Beliefs 101

How to reprogram your subconscious. 

Weekly Worksheet and Actionable Homework.

WEEK 3: My Highest and Best Reinforces My Highest Truth

What is Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)?

EFT aka Tapping 101

Using EFT as a H + B tool.

Recorded EFT H + B Tapping Routine

How to create your own tapping affirmations.

How and When to use EFT.

Weekly Worksheet and Actionable Homework.

BONUS: Highest and Best EFT Affirmations Routine audio recording.

WEEK 4: My Highest and Best Connects to a Divine Foundation

Getting honest about what you foundationally believe when it comes to a higher power.

Who/What is the Source of your enoughness, worthiness, and purpose.

What is the Divine Why behind life?

Getting to know God. (or whatever you prefer to call Him/Her/It/Them)

Weekly Actionable Homework.

BONUS: Wisdom Tree Meditation

WEEK 5: My Highest and Best Serves and Shines

Clearing resistance and belief blocks of fear and doubt that often come with stepping outside of your comfort zone. 

Bringing your inner child and past self along your H + B healing journey.

From surviving and just getting by to thriving and shining as your H + B self.

Aligning your H + B Self with a purpose-driven mission bigger than you.

Gaining clarity on taking H + B action to serve those you feel called to serve. 

Your H + B and Law of Attraction

BONUS: H + B Serving and Shining Reflection Worksheet


Are there any bonuses that come with enrollment?

Forever Access to the Highest and Best Vision Boarding Workshop ($88 value)

Five Ways to Vibe Out and Elevate Your Life Frequency Mini Series

The 5 Day Mental Health Reset ($99 value)

The Gift of Now Musical Meditation Masterclass

Anti-Anxiety and Grounding Meditation

Private Collection of 10 Musical Meditations

Are there scholarships available?

If you’d like to invest in support with Nat but you’ve lost your job or you’re currently challenged financially, you’re eligible to receive one of several scholarships available annually, with a number of scholarships specifically set aside for BIPOC applicants. If you would like to nominate yourself or someone you know, please send me an email at to apply.

What is the investment cost of the Highest and Best Workshop?

Enrollment for the workshop is $333. If a payment plan option would make your enrollment in the program easier, please email and we’ll figure out a way to help your enrollment feel as easy and effortless as possible.


What if I want 1-on-1 support as well?

Enroll in 1-on-1 coaching for a month or longer and you’ll get the Highest and Best Workshop and all its the bonuses for free. Listed below are 1-on-1 coaching options and their associated links.

1 hour 1-on-1 coaching call Click here to enroll

If you’d like to enroll in coaching for 1 month or more, the per/call price gets discounted depending on how long you commit for! Shoot me an email at and we can discuss the option that works best for you :)


Are there payment plan options for enrollment?

If payment in full is financially challenging for you, please email to create a personalized payment plan that is easiest and most manageable for you. I don’t believe anyone should be kept from enrolling in this program for financial reasons. I’m here to chat with you about what feels best with your finances in setting up a payment plan schedule :)

What if I’m a 1-on-1 client? Do I get a discount on this course?

Also, if you’re a current or new 1-on-1 client for on month or more, you get free inclusion and forever recording access to this workshop. And to all of my digital courses, actually. :)


Have any additional questions about the workshop? Feel free to shoot me a message on Instagram @nathaliebotezatu or on Facebook or shoot me an email at and we’ll set up a time to chat :)