Single 1-on-1 Mindset Call

Single 1-on-1 Mindset Call


A 60 minute session focused on gaining clarity on a particular topic or area of your life. We’ll work through any resistance or blocks that you’re experiencing and I’ll send you off with some actionable homework so that you continue to grow and take action from a place of your Highest and Best Self. This support option also includes seven days of text and voice message support from me. I will be reaching out via email within the next 24-48 hours to schedule our chat for the next week or two!

PLEASE NOTE: This is an option I give to potential clients who want to dip their toes into my coaching container before diving straight into long term coaching. It’s only a one-time offering that can’t be purchased on a recurring basis (because there is massive value in having long term mindset support!).

The ultimate perk of this option? Your payment for this call gets credited towards long term 1-on-1 coaching if you want more and decide to continue. :)

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